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Action Cat with Reduct

Hackable transcription bot for video calls.

Reduct is a collaborative transcript-based video platform (with amazing accuracy and to-the-frame precision). They were developing their new auto-transcribing bot to join Zoom, Google Meet, and other videos calls...

...and we got to talking. What if meeting actions dropping into a shareable, hackable Google Sheets doc, and users could adapt the product to their own needs just as easily as changing a spreadsheet formula?

We collaborated on a prototype, and the result is Action Cat.

There were some unexpected outcomes: You find yourself digging back through the conversation, live, and in the last 5 minutes of the meeting searching “?” to see if everyone’s questions have been answered (the transcription AI picks up queries).

The full project page has screenshots, a description, and a back-of-the-box breakdown of the philosophy behind the prototype:

Reduct Action Cat

And here are some more reflections on the process:

Action Cat! A new experiment around bots, video calls, voice, and spreadsheets